How to Search The Guide

How do I find information in The Guide?

You can view information in The Equal Justice Works Guide to Law Schools in two main ways: by searching and/or comparing select schools to see their specific courses and programs or by searching all or a group of participating schools for courses and programs that may interest you.

Viewing information by School

You may view information by searching and/or comparing select schools in two integrated formats – the Comparison View and the Profile View - to help you find a range of valuable information about specific schools.

You can also use our Quick Filters and Search Features to help narrow your search and find the information for which you are looking.

Searching in the Comparison View

The Comparison View allows you to view basic data side-by-side on schools'

  • Public Interest Program Coverage
  • Public Interest Program Participation
  • Employment
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Grants and Scholarships
  • Loan Repayment Assistance

Once in the Comparison View, you are able to drill down into each school's profile to learn more details. You can do this by clicking on "profile" below a school's logo. You are also able to click on certain numbers in the Comparison View to view more details on respective programs. For example clicking on a number of clinical courses offered will bring you to a description of that school's clinical courses.

There are two ways to select the schools you would like to browse in the Comparison View:

  1. If you have already narrowed your search of potential schools to a discreet number, you can select and compare these schools by searching for them in the alphabetical listing on the Home page by clicking on the check-box for each and then clicking the "Compare" button on the right at the top of the school listings.
  2. If you are just starting out and/or would like to take a look at some schools you may not have considered in your earlier research, use the Quick Filters in the left sidebar on the left side of the main search page to fill in basic criteria of interest to you, including location, tuition range and enrollment size. The Guide will update listings as you enter criteria. You may choose to use one or more filters to produce a broad or narrow listing.

Searching in the Profile

View The school's Profile View allows you to view all the information reported by an individual school.

There are a few ways to access a school's Profile View:

  1. From the Home page, clicking on a school name in the alphabetical listing will pull up a "School Detail" side bar on the right side of the screen. Clicking on "more…" at the bottom right will take you to the school's full profile.
  2. In the Comparison View, clicking on "profile" below a school's logo will take you to that school's full profile. Additionally, clicking on a number under a school's offerings in the comparison view will take you to the details on these programs. From that screen, you may access the school's full profile by clicking on "See full profile" at the top of the screen.
  3. From the Courses and Programs search page, clicking on a school's name on the left will bring you to its full profile. Clicking on a school's offerings under "Section," for example, "Public Interest Subjects" will bring you to the details of the respective subjects at that school. Clicking on "See full profile" at the top of that screen will bring you to the school's full profile.

Once in a school's Profile View, you may browse through the full profile in two main ways:

  1. Scrolling down the page will show you all the information entered by the school.
  2. Right-clicking anywhere on the profile will pull up a menu that will allow you to jump to different sections. For example, right-clicking and scrolling through the pop-up menu to select "Public Interest Subjects" will bring you to the school's listing of subjects. If you see on that list that there is a Clinical Course in a subject that interests you, right-click and select "Clinical Courses" to jump to that section and learn the details!

Viewing Information by Courses and Programs

You can also search for and view information in The Guide by courses and programs that are offered by schools. This can be done under the Courses and Programs tab.

Clicking on the Courses and Programs tab will show you all courses and programs offered by all participating schools. You can then narrow this search in a number of ways: selecting a school from the drop-down menu under "School" will narrow the listing to courses and programs at that specific school; selecting a type of course or program from the "Section" drop-down menu will narrow the listing to only clinical courses; entering text in either the "Title" or "Description" field will narrow the listing to only entries that contain that text, respectively in either the title or description.

You can use these filters individually or together. Here are some examples:

  1. Selecting "Clinical Courses" from the "Section" drop-down menu will show you all clinical courses for all participating schools. You may browse these listings see what interests you; or
  2. From the list of clinical courses, you may enter "immigration" in the "Title" field to narrow the list, entering text into the "Description" field, such as "civil" will narrow the list even further.

You may also use the Quick Search Filters on the Home page to create more complex searches because these filters carry through as you switch to the Courses and Programs tab.

For example, if you've narrowed your search to a particular region, for example, by selecting "Northeast" in the Region filter and then click on the Courses and Programs tab, you will see courses and programs offered by only schools in the Northeast region. You may then narrow your search even further by taking the steps described above.

Remember, clicking on a school's name or offerings at any time in the Courses and Programs tab will take you to its full profile so you can learn more!

A Note About Missing Information

Blank Data Fields: Blank fields in The Guide may indicate that the school either does not provide the type of program in question or that it does not collect the type of data requested. There are countless ways that schools provide public interest programs and resources and it would be impossible to capture all of these in a single guide. We encourage you to follow up with the school directly to get more information on the availability of programs and resources if it appears that data is missing.

Missing Schools: Participation in The Guide is voluntary, if you are interested in a school that does not appear in The Guide, contact the admissions office and let them know that you'd like to see them here!